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2022 Key Election Dates
Key dates for Candidates and Third Party Advertisers interested in participating in the 2022 Municipal Election.
Monday, May 2
- First day to file a nomination paper for the offices of Mayor, Councillor and School Board Trustee
- once the nomination paper is filed with the Clerk-Treasurer, the candidate can start raising and spending money on their campaign
- preliminary spending limit provided to candidates
- preliminary contribution limit provided to candidates running for Mayor and Councillor (does not apply to School Board Trustee candidates)
- First day to file a notice of registration as a third party advertiser
- a third party advertiser cannot raise or spend money on their campaign, nor begin advertising, until their registration is certified by the Clerk-Treasurer
- preliminary spending limit provided to third party advertiser upon certification
Friday, August 19 at 2 p.m.
- Deadline for candidates to:
- file a nomination
- withdraw a nomination
- change office
Monday, August 22
- Last day for the Clerk-Treasurer to certify candidate nomination papers
Thursday, September 1
- Voters’ List available to candidates
Friday, September 23
- Final spending limits provided to candidates and registered third party advertisers
- Final self-contribution limit provided to candidates running for Mayor and Councillor (does not apply to School Board Trustee candidates)
Friday, October 21
- Last day to register as a third party advertiser
Monday, October 24
- Election Day
Tuesday, January 3
- End of campaign period for candidates and third party advertisers
- Last day to file a Notice of Extension, Form 6, to continue campaigning to erase a deficit
Friday, March 31 at 2 p.m.
- Deadline for candidates and third party advertisers to file the initial financial statement
Friday, June 30
- End of extended campaign period
Friday, September 29 at 2 p.m.
- Deadline for candidates and third party advertisers to file the supplementary financial statement (applies only to those who extended their campaign period)